Are you struggling with anxiety, fears, lack of confidence or behaviours affecting your wellbeing?

Are you moving forward with life or do you feel stuck?

“Life Coaching from a holistic approach”

“Discover the person you are meant to be”

The Willows Holistic Life Coaching consists of:

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) & Breakthrough Coaching


Timeline Therapy

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)

Thank you, thank you. I love how passionate and enthusiastic you are about everything and what a massive toolbox of skills and techniques you have at your disposal

Carina E

Sarah is a wonderful listener – totally exceeding my expectations on every account. She truly cares about me.

– Cindy J.

5 Star Satisfaction Rating and the biggest takeaway from having sessions were so many things EFT tapping, self care, self love, more confidence, more peace with myself

Carina E